
Perspectives on AI Symposium

AI and Democracy: opportunities and risks

Forschungsinstitut Idiap

Mi, 21.02.2024, 09:30 - 17:20

The recent developments in AI, notably generative AI, have invigorated discussion on the role and impact of AI on democracy. On the one hand, AI is an opportunity to improve democratic processes in our societies, for example AI can help finding sources of misinformation, and help citizens to better understand politics and engage more easily in democratic debate. On the other hand, it raises concerns about AI undermining democracy, precisely because the tool can be used to spread false information and influence public behaviour.

In this Perspectives on AI seminar, we aim to bring together academics, industries, NGOs and politicians to discuss the opportunities and risks of AI for democracy.

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Angewandte Wissenschaften, Technologie

Art der Veranstaltung: Debatte/Podiumsgespräch, Vortrag/Konferenz, Kolloquium/Symposium/Kongress

Altersfreigabe: ab 16 Jahren

Zielpublikum: Fachleute, Studierende




Idiap Research Institute

Rue Marconi 19 CH
1920 Martigny

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